2016-03-24 13:23:03
世界卫生组织了解到中国近日的疫苗事件,报道称一家庭购买疫苗并转售给医院和接种点。中国政府正积极调查此案,调查结果将在数日后公布。世卫组织将等待调查结果的公布,时刻准备为国家卫生部门提供支持。疫苗应该正确储存和管理,否则将失去效力或降低效力。但必须注意的是,不正确储存或过期的疫苗几乎不会引起毒性反应,因此在本事件中,疫苗安全风险非常低。儿童面临的风险在于缺乏对疾病的预防能力,这也是接种疫苗的目的。世卫组织了解到中国扩大免疫规划使用的疫苗是安全有效的,且通过接种疫苗已经消灭了脊髓灰质炎和新生儿破伤风,并使中国的疫苗可预防疾病处于较低的水平。世卫组织鼓励中国的父母继续通过常规的预防接种来保护儿童免受疫苗可预防疾病的伤害。WHO Responds to Vaccine Report in China
WHO is aware of reports of vaccines being purchased by a private family and resold to hospitals and clinics. Chinese authorities are currently investigating the case and will made the results public in coming days. WHO awaits the investigation results and stands ready to provide support to national health authorities.Vaccines need to be store and managed properly or they can lose potency and become less effective. It is important to note, however, that improperly stored or expired vaccine seldom if ever causes a toxic reaction – therefore there is likely to be minimal safety risk in this particular situation. The risk to children is lack of protection from the disease for which the vaccine was intended.Vaccines used in China’s Expanded Program on Immunization are known to be safe and effective, and have eliminated polio and neonatal tetanus and reduced vaccine preventable diseases to very low levels in China. WHO encourages parents continue to protect their children from vaccine preventable diseases through China’s routine Expanded Program on Immunization.